September 15, 2024

The value of $1 has eroded by 95-97% since the Federal Reserve was established.

Contrast that with gold, which has maintained its purchasing power.

In % terms, this chart shows a 96% value erosion over the past 100 years. In essence, if you held onto a $1 bill for a century, you would have 3.8c of value.

The following was produced by the Visual Capitalist (

According to one source “The gold-to-decent-suit ratio is an old rule of thumb that some investors use to demonstrate the stability of gold’s purchasing power. In Ancient Rome, an ounce of gold could buy a toga for a senator. In 1960, Don Draper could buy a Brooks Brothers suit for $USD 35 — the cost of an oz of gold. Currently, the price of an ounce of gold sits at ~$USD 1900, the cost of a Canali suit (fitted, of course). Using the gold-to-decent-suit ratio in today’s economy suggests that the buying power of gold has actually grown (and so has our style sense, apparently).”

About Author

Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin is the Head of Macro at the Gold & Silver Index. Investor & entrepreneur who spent time as a gold mining analyst before ventures in range of emerging industries. Accurately predicted commodity cycles including platinum & palladium & the recent surge of inflation. True gold / silver bug at heart, with contrarion perspective. Bug stands for Buy Up Gold, not Big Ugly Gold. Building a community of BUGs while identifying unique opportunities in search of the long hedge. Cash is Trash, so Hodl Godl (Hold Gold).

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