September 13, 2024

The media loves to pit gold “BUGS” against crypto “APES”. It lets them bucket the bugs with the apes and write us all off as conspiracy theorists.

Only problem is, the entire question is flawed. We completely disagree with the premise of that debate. It should not be “gold vs crypto” but rather “gold AND crypto vs fiat”.

In reality, both gold bugs and bitcoin apes share several unique qualities and are searching for similar solutions against cash/trash:

  1. True Money (Gold Bugs believe in time-tested gold while Crypto Apes believe technology enables bitcoin to do even better)
  2. Privacy (Believe strongly in 4th and 5th Amendments and take privacy seriously)
  3. Government Weary (Untrusting of government and its ability to maintain currency value; governments are incentivized to spend into deficits to please population in short term but devalue money over long term)
  4. Asset Seizure (Protective of assets against unwarranted seizure by tyrannical or other bad actors)
  5. Inflation (Aware of the 590 extinct currencies primarily due to inflation)
  6. Contrarion Thinkers (Willing to think outside the box of the mainstream media in order to preserve wealth)

Gold and bitcoin investors have a lot more in common than you might think. Both are seeking an alternative to the broken monetary system which relies upon banks and governments to be both intelligent and altruistic, and they are rarely either.

About Author

Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin is the Head of Macro at the Gold & Silver Index. Investor & entrepreneur who spent time as a gold mining analyst before ventures in range of emerging industries. Accurately predicted commodity cycles including platinum & palladium & the recent surge of inflation. True gold / silver bug at heart, with contrarion perspective. Bug stands for Buy Up Gold, not Big Ugly Gold. Building a community of BUGs while identifying unique opportunities in search of the long hedge. Cash is Trash, so Hodl Godl (Hold Gold).

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