September 13, 2024

David O. Sacks is a technology investor (Paypal, Facebook, Uber, SpaceX, Palantir, Airbnb) and most certainly not a “gold bug” so it’s amazing to see him talk about gold as an alternative to the diminishing US Dollar. Excerpted from the greatest podcast All-In #gold #crypto #motivation #bitcoin #vv #venturecapital #meta

About Author

Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin is the Head of Macro at the Gold & Silver Index. Investor & entrepreneur who spent time as a gold mining analyst before ventures in range of emerging industries. Accurately predicted commodity cycles including platinum & palladium & the recent surge of inflation. True gold / silver bug at heart, with contrarion perspective. Bug stands for Buy Up Gold, not Big Ugly Gold. Building a community of BUGs while identifying unique opportunities in search of the long hedge. Cash is Trash, so Hodl Godl (Hold Gold).

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