September 13, 2024

We are community of BUGs who believe in precious metals, the oldest trusted asset class on the planet. To us, BUG stands for “Buy Up Gold” and not “Big Ugly Gold” as the government would have you believe. Meanwhile, governments want you to hold worthless cash which is constantly printed and inflated into oblivion. The list of currencies which have gone extinct, is quite long, yet gold and silver remain as valuable as ever.

The fact is, gold and silver have been used as true money for thousands of years. We believe investors need to HODL GODL = HOLD GOLD.

Meanwhile, governments continue to print fiat currency toward worthlessness, diminishing the value of our savings accounts. Since the Federal Reserve was established 100 years ago, the value of $1 is now roughly $0.04.

Contrast that with gold, which has maintained its purchasing power and in fact only become rarer and harder to find.

Yet in spite of that, gold and silver investors are shun by the establishment and referred to as “BUGs”. Naturally, governments are biased against gold and silver because they represent genuine stores of value, whereas paper money has proven to lose its value over time. At the same time as governments are printing more and more paper money, they are more and more able to track and monitor its usage. So paper money has no value proposition and no privacy proposition. Hence, we believe “cash is trash”.

Gold, on the other hand, is independent of any government, while offering a long list of key advantages.

While governments want to renounce gold investors as “BUGs” (they believe it’s Big Ugly Gold), we are proud to be “BUGs” and believe it ought to stand for “Buy Up Gold”.

About Author

Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin is the Head of Macro at the Gold & Silver Index. Investor & entrepreneur who spent time as a gold mining analyst before ventures in range of emerging industries. Accurately predicted commodity cycles including platinum & palladium & the recent surge of inflation. True gold / silver bug at heart, with contrarion perspective. Bug stands for Buy Up Gold, not Big Ugly Gold. Building a community of BUGs while identifying unique opportunities in search of the long hedge. Cash is Trash, so Hodl Godl (Hold Gold).

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